Mindfulness in the time of coronavirus epidemic – your guide to tackling adversity


Renowned mindfulness teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn once said: “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” A positive way to cope with adversity. Today, as we face the coronavirus epidemic, many feel frightened and helpless. Instead of cocooning in a state of grief, why not start taking good care of ourselves through practicing mindfulness? This manual is free and designed by the Jockey Club “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in School Initiative, the University of Hong Kong.

著名的靜觀導師卡巴金有一句名言:「你無法平息風浪,但你可以學會滑浪。」這是應對逆境的積極態度。今天,我們面對的逆境是世紀疫症。不少人感到驚恐和無助。此時此刻,卡巴金的話分外有意思。與其坐困愁城,不如學習用靜觀來好好照顧自己。無論怎樣,既然巨浪已經在面前翻起,那就讓我們學會滑浪吧! 本資源手冊由香港大學賽馬會「樂天心澄」靜觀校園文化行動設計,供公衆免費使用。

5 分鐘的修習 10 分鐘的修習 40 分鐘的修習

靜觀伸展 [收聽] [下載]

靜觀呼吸 [收聽] [下載]

靜觀身體 [收聽] [下載]

三步呼吸空間 [收聽] [下載]

靜觀伸展 [收聽] [下載]

靜觀呼吸與身體 [收聽] [下載]

靜觀聲音與念頭 [收聽] [下載]

身體掃描 [收聽] [下載]

靜觀伸展 [收聽] [下載]

靜觀步行 [收聽] [下載]

靜坐修習 [收聽] [下載]

身體掃描 [收聽] [下載]

5-minute English Practices 5-minute Putonghua Practices

Mindful Stretching [Listen] [Download]

Mindful Sitting [Listen] [Download]

Body Scan [Listen] [Download]

Three-step Breathing Space

[Listen] [Download]

Mindful Stretching [Listen] [Download]

Mindful Sitting [Listen] [Download]

Body Scan [Listen] [Download]

Three-step Breathing Space

[Listen] [Download]


English Manual

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